My name is Sarah Horgan and I enjoy photography. I specialize in portraits, nature scenes, landscapes, sports, animals, and etc. I am in the process of building up my portfolio, and making a career for myself as a Freelance Photographer. I am available for Weddings, Senior Portraits, Holiday cards, Sporting Events, and any other special occasions. **Please do not reproduce or republish any of these photos without my permission** You can contact me at sarahhorganphotography@yahoo.com
Great pet shots!
They're wonderful. Your photos are outstanding. Keep working that way. Don't stop.
Hey Sarah! You have done some great work. Good luck with photography... it's a tough business! I like your idea though! Maybe I should make a website for my photography! You're so smart! I LOVE the waterfall pic!
Ummm..... I'm ready for new pics yo!
POst new blogs.... don't add to the old ones. It's much better for commenting. I love the pictures of trinity. Very good work! thanks for sharing!
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